Identification of and Remedial Approaches to Hot SpotsSUSPECTED CAUSES OF HOT SPOTSCASE STUDIES OF PROJECT HOT SPOTSConey Island, NYFigure 1. Location of beach-fill project hot spots discussed in paperFigure 3. Post-fill March 1995 and 2 years later April 1997 at Sea Gate hot spotFigure 4. Construction sequence of the Sea Bright New Jersey project (courtesy of Lynn Bocamazo, New York District)Figure 5. Hot spot locations of Sea Bright to Manasquan Inlet Project (courtesy of Lynn Bocamazo, New York District)Ocean City, NJOcean City, MDFigure 8. Location of the five hot spots along Atlantic coast of Maryland (Ocean City) Shoreline Protection project (Stauble and Bass 1999)North Carolina ProjectsFigure 10. Hot spot location at four projects along the North Carolina coast (a) Bogue Banks at Morehead City near Cape Lookout, NC, (b) Wrightsville Beach, (c) Carolina Beach and (d) Kure Beach just north of Cape Fear, NC (courtesy of John McCormick, Wilmington District)Figure 11. Hot spot locations: (a) along Dare County, NC coast (courtesy of William Birkemeier, CHL), and (b) Outer Banks (courtesy of John McCormick, Wilmington District), showing overwash and inlet breach at hot spot locations resulting from Hurricane Isabel (NCDOT)Myrtle Beach, SCFigure 13. Nearshore rock outcrop and deflation of fill profile at Myrtle Beach, SC (courtesy of Paul Gayes, Coastal Carolina University)Figure 14. Location of three hot spots at Folly Beach, SC, fill project (courtesy of Paul Gayes, Coastal Carolina University)Tybee Island, GADade County, FLFigure 17. Hot spot locations along the Dade County, FL, fill project (courtesy of Tom Martin, Jacksonville District )Panama City, FLPerdido Key, ALFigure 21. Location of three hot spots at Surfside, Seal Beach, and Peninsula Beach along southern California coast (courtesy of Chuck Mesa, Los Angeles District)ANTICIPATING HOT SPOTS IN PROJECT DESIGNTable 4. Project Hot Spot Summary DataTable 4 (Concluded)CONCLUSIONS - chetn-ii-470027CONCLUSIONS (Cont.)ACKNOWLEDGMENTSREFERENCES - chetn-ii-470030chetn-ii-47