March 2004
Remedial actions taken include overfilling of the hot spot area in the 1995 and 1997 fills. Scarps
formed on the beach as the sand readjusted after fill placement. The design template was redesigned
with a lower design berm from 2.67 to 2.21 m (8.75 to 7.25 ft) North American Vertical Datum
(NAVD) and a small dune feature was added to the profile for storm protection in the hot spot area
only (Figure 7). A new renourishment will take place in the fall of 2003 focusing on the beach area
around the hot spot. Other possible remedial actions could be to modify the borrow area dredging
location to move it further offshore within the borrow area and to dredge the Ocean City side of the
Great Egg Harbor Inlet navigation channel, which is migrating northeast (updrift direction) and
narrowing as inlet circulation evolves. No damage to upland structures or boardwalk has occurred
since the 1992 nourishment project construction.
Figure 7.
View of Ocean City, NJ, hot spot area during initial fill placement (May 1992) and in July 2003
showing constructed dune and berm after 11 years and five renourishments
Ocean City, MD. The Atlantic Coast of Maryland (Ocean City) Shoreline Protection project began
in 1988 with the State of Maryland placing an 13.7-km- (8.5-mile-) long recreational beach on the
shorefront of the town of Ocean City, MD, located on the Delmarva Peninsula. A Federal project
followed in 1990/1991 with the construction of a seawall and dune behind a design fill berm for
storm protection. Two rehabilitation fills were required in 1992 and 1994 to bring the project up to
design specifications. Three additional backpassing events occurred in 1992, 1993, and 1994 that
involved truck hauling sand from the inlet beach to mitigate for hot spot erosion. Two planned
renourishments have taken place in 1998 and 2002. Monitoring included operation of wave gauges,
which documented more than 66 storms that had wave heights over 2 m (6.6 ft) high for 6 hr, that
impacted the project over a 10-year period (1988-1998). An additional 24 storms have impacted the
project since the first renourishment (1998-2002).
The project developed five unanticipated hot spots at 15th, 32nd, 52nd, 81st, and 146th Streets
(Figure 8). These hot spots were identified by analysis of beach profile data using shoreline position
and fill volume change and percent of fill remaining analysis (Stauble and Kraus 1993; Stauble
1994; Stauble and Bass 1999) and wave refraction studies (Smith and Ebersole 1997). The 15th
Street hot spot is identified as an orientation change in the shoreline from northwest to a more
northward facing shoreline. Extra fill was placed during renourishment and as more sand was placed