March 2004
Recognition of the potential for hot spot development and numerical modeling of the project's
evolution in the feasibility and design phase of project development can identify the possible
problem areas associated with certain types of hot spots (but probably not all). Detection of potential
hot spots through more comprehensive pre- and postproject monitoring and mitigation in the design
phase or prior to the first renourishment can result in more sand retained on the project. This can
result in fewer unanticipated problems regarding sand loss and improve the project's performance.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors would like to thank the workshop participants for helpful
discussions regarding hot spot development and remedial actions. Thanks also to the presenters of
the case studies for providing real-world problems and solutions to hot spots on constructed and
proposed beach-fill projects. Lynn Bocamazo and Diane Rahoy, New York District, provided data
on Coney Island, NY, and Sea Bright, NJ. From the Philadelphia District, Monica Chasten, Randy
Wise, and Robert Lowinski provided data on Ocean City, NJ. Greg Bass and Jim Snyder, Baltimore
District, provided information on Ocean City, MD. John McCormick, Wilmington District, provided
information on the Wilmington District projects, as well as Bill Birkemeier, CHL Field Research
Facility. Paul Gayes, Coastal Carolina University, provided data on the Myrtle Beach and Folly
Beach, SC, fill projects. Carol Abercrombie, Savannah District, provided data on Tybee Island, GA.
Tom Martin and Doug Rosen, Jacksonville District, provided information on Miami Beach, FL.
Linda Lillycrop, Mobile District, provided information on Panama City, FL, and Perdido Key, AL.
Chuck Mesa, Los Angeles, provided data on the three Los Angeles area project hot spots.
POINTS OF CONTACT: This study is a product of the Quantifying Vulnerabilities in Coastal
Flood Damage Reduction work unit in the Technologies and Operational Innovations for Urban
Watershed Networks (TOWNS) Program. This CHETN was written by Dr. Donald K. Stauble
and Mark B. Gravens, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and
Hydraulics Laboratory. Questions about this CHETN can be addressed to Dr. Stauble at or Mr. Gravens at Mark.B.Gravens@ erdc.usace.
or Dr. Kathleen D. White, TOWNS Project Manager at Kathleen.D.White@
Bocamazo, L., and Rahoy, D. (1999). "Atlantic Coast of New York City Rockaway Inlet to Norton Point (Coney Island
Area) shore protection project," field trip notes of Long Island's historic urban beaches technical tour, Coastal
Sediments '99, ASCE.
Bodge, K., Gravens, M. B., and Srinivas, R. (1999). "Design considerations for "Hot-Spots," in Recommended Beach
Nourishment Guidelines for the State of Florida and Unresolved Related Issues. R. G. Dean and T. J. Campbell,
eds., Report UFL/COEL-99/020, Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Department, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL.
Coastal Planning and Engineering. (2002). "Panama City Beaches, Florida beach erosion Control and storm damage
reduction project 3-year monitoring report," Boca Raton, FL.
Dean, R. G., Liotta, R., and Simn, G. (1999). "Erosional hot spots," Report UFL/COEL-99/021, Coastal and Oceano-
graphic Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Ebersole, B. A., and Nielans, P. J. (1997). "Beach fill performance at Folly Beach, South Carolina (3 years after con-
struction)," 10th Annual National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, FSBPA, Tallahassee, FL, 90-105.