March 2005
(1) Read in bathymetric data. These data can be from one or more surveys, or from a previous
numerical model simulation. Data should be brought into SMS as a scattered data set or a digital
elevation map (DEM). The most common formats are described as an *.xyz or *.pts file in the SMS
documentation. Data for the coastlines and structures in the modeling domain could either be
included in the bathymetry (recommended) or brought into SMS separately and merged with the
bathymetry data inside SMS.
(2) Select BOUSS-2D as the working model. In the Cartesian grid module
, under Data
menu, find Switch Current Model submenu and select BOUSS-2D as the working model.
(3) Define modeling domain. Zoom into the area around the computational domain and select the
create grid tool . To define the extent of your modeling domain, user must click three times in the
graphics window. The first click (Pt 1) is at the location where the lower left corner of the grid will
lie. Then the user should move the cursor (a line will appear from the selected corner) to the location
where the lower right corner of the grid will be and click again (Pt 2). Finally, the user must move
the cursor to the location where the upper right corner of the grid will be and click again (Pt 3).
Figure 3 shows a grid being defined.
Figure 3. Creating a grid
(4) Create a grid. After defining the Map->2D grid, dialog will appear (Figure 4). This dialog
allows the user to modify the size, orientation, position, and cell size for the grid that is being
created. If more exact locations are known for the grid position and orientation, the user would enter
these in the top section of the dialog. In the center section, the individual cell size is entered. The
default values create a grid with 10 x 10 cells, which can be changed by users to any desired values.
In the lower section of this dialog, users tell SMS to interpolate the bathymetry values for the grid
from the scattered data. Once these data are entered, the user clicks the OK button, and a grid will be