March 2005
(c) Tracer animations of wave direction for the entire modeling area or a subarea
(d) Extracted curves of any of the computed values along user-defined transects
(2) Visualizing temporal results. The time series results at the probes can be displayed and ana-
lyzed. When SMS opens a ".ts1" file, the symbol for the probe is displayed as a data rich probe. This
change of symbol gives immediate feedback to the user about what data are available. The time
series data can then be displayed directly as a 2-D plot by right clicking on the probe and asking
SMS to create the plot. Figure 13 illustrates the menu that pops up when the user right clicks on the
probe. In this example, the probe only contains water-surface (eta) series. If other times series data
existed, additional menu items would exist in the top section of the menu to allow the user to create
plots of these time series.
Figure 13. Plot options available when right clicking on a data rich probe
The bottom portion of the menu displays the analysis utilities available for the probe data. When the
user selects these menu items, SMS performs the specified analysis and displays a spreadsheet of the
results for all selected probes and depths. Analyses that can be performed include basic statistics,
zero-crossing and spectral analysis. Plans are in the works to add directional and reflection analysis
to the utility.
(a) Basic statistical analysis. This utility is available for any type of time series data and calcu-
lates the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation for the scalar time series data. For
pressure, u, and v data, a line of static text appears above the spreadsheet reporting the elevation
above the seabed the pressure, u, or v values were collected. All units are in metric.