March 2005
solution data as well as in the reporting of the results of the Basic Statistical Analysis, Zero-crossing
Analysis, and Spectral Analysis utilities. Currently, the name is not saved to BOUSS-2D input files.
When the *.par file is read in, default names are again assigned.
(c) Probe locations (x,y) & (i,j). Each probe must have a world location. This world location can
be assigned either by entering the (x, y) world location of the probe or by entering the (i, j) grid
location. When the (x, y) location is specified, the (i, j) location is updated. When the (i, j) location is
specified, the (x, y) location is updated. Only one probe can exist at a given (i, j) grid location. The
(x, y) location is saved to the *.par file.
(d) Water-surface elevation, (wse). To gather water-surface elevation (eta) time series data at a
probe, the WSE toggle box must be checked. A highlighted cell in the WSE column means that eta
*.ts1 solution data have been loaded for that probe. Turning off the WSE toggle box will result in the
eta *.ts1 solution data being unloaded for that probe. All *.ts1 solution data can be unloaded by
clicking the Unload all *.ts1 solution data button. This button is only enabled if *.ts1 solution data
has been loaded.
(e) Pressure. To gather pressure time series data at a probe, the Pressure toggle box must be
checked. When the Pressure toggle is checked, the Options button in the next column becomes
enabled. The Options button brings up the BOUSS-2D Probe Options dialog (Figure 12) that allows
the user to specify at what elevations above the seabed they want the pressure time series data to be
collected. At least one elevation above the seabed must be specified. When a cell is highlighted in
the Pressure column, it means that pressure *.ts1 solution data have been loaded for that probe.
Turning off the Pressure toggle box or deleting elevations above the seabed will result in the
pressure *.ts1 solution data being unloaded for that probe. All *.ts1 solution data can be unloaded by
clicking the Unload all *.ts1 solution data button. This button is only enabled if *.ts1 solution data
have been loaded.
(f) Velocity. To gather velocity (uv) time series data at a probe, the Velocity toggle box must be
checked. When the Velocity toggle is checked, the Options button in the next column becomes
enabled. The Options button brings up the BOUSS-2D Probe Options dialog (almost identical to
Figure 12) that allows the user to specify at what elevations above the seabed they want uv time
series data to be collected. At least one elevation above the seabed must be specified. When a cell is
highlighted in the Velocity column, it means that uv *.ts1 solution data have been loaded for that
probe. Turning off the Velocity toggle box or deleting elevations above the seabed will result in the
uv *.ts1 solution data being unloaded for that probe. All *.ts1 solution data can be unloaded by
clicking the Unload all *.ts1 solution data button. This button is only enabled if *.ts1 solution data
have been loaded.