May 2005
b. Select the BOUSS-2D|Assign BC command. Choose the Porosity radio button and enter a
value of 20 m for the width and 0.5 for the porosity value. Click the OK button. For details
on how to select appropriate values for these parameters, users should refer to Demirbilek et
al. (2004) and Nwogu and Demirbilek (2001).
c. Select the BOUSS-2D|Model Control command. In the upper right corner, set the Porosity
choice to Use Cellstrings. Enter a value for the characteristic stone size on the right side of
the dialog as 0.75 m. Click the OK button to exit the Model Control dialog.
d. Save the simulation with the File|Save BOUSS-2D command. When asked, tell SMS to
replace the damping function. This simulation is now ready to be run. Follow the steps given
in Example 1.
Figure 14 shows the waves around the porous jetty (in the foreground) as compared to the extra
bending of the waves on the nonporous jetty.
Figure 14. Waves around porous jetty
BOUSS-2D can simulate the wetting and drying of arbitrary 2-D coastal topographies. A simplified
version of the 1-D model (BOUSS-1D) has been developed to predict the runup and overtopping of
impermeable coastal structures. In this example, the usage of BOUSS-1D for prediction of wave
runup on a sloping structure will be demonstrated. The model supports any geometrical profile, but
for design purposes, the runup and overtopping calculator in SMS automatically creates a profile of
the form shown in Figure 15. This geometric template is similar to the physical modeling work done
by Saville (Saville 1955).