Coastal Barrier Island Breaching, Part 2: Mechanical Breaching and Breach ClosureBREACHING ADJACENT TO JETTIESFigure 1. Shinnecock Inlet, NY, showing severely eroded downdrift beach adjacent to downdrift jettyBreaching updrift of jettiesMECHANICAL BREACH CLOSUREFigure 4. Rock fill by conventional end-dump method (Henshaw 1956).Buxton Inlet, North CarolinaFigure 5. The Buxton breach, 29 January 1963, looking toward the sound (Wilmington District 1963).Moriches Inlet, New YorkWesthampton Beach, New YorkGrays Harbor, Washington - CHETN_Breaching0011Grays Harbor, Washington - CHETN_Breaching0012Coos Bay, OregonFigure 8. Coos Bay, Oregon breach of the north jetty (Hays et al. 2003)Hatteras Island, North CarolinaMECHANICAL BREACHINGRedwood Creek, Northern CaliforniaSan Dieguito Lagoon, Southern California.Coastal ponds on the Atlantic coastACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - CHETN_Breaching0020REFERENCES: - CHETN_Breaching0021REFERENCES: (Cont.) - CHETN_Breaching0022CHETN_Breaching