The sand was pumped unconfined on the upland adjacent to the breach and stockpiled until a
sufficient volume was available to close the breach. The breach was closed by bulldozing the
stockpiled material into the narrowest part of the breach. The closure operation began around
low tide, and the initial closure was completed by high-tide. The sand was pushed from the
beach, across the breach toward the jetty. Maximum current velocity through the breach at the
time of closure was about 6.5 ft/sec, but there was little flow through the breach at low tide.
With the initial fill cross-section in place, the same technique was applied to complete the fill to
the final design template. The breach fill was completed on 7 December 1994 with 600,000 cu
yd of sand dredged from the navigation channel. Photographs in Figure 7 show the breach area
before and after closure.
a. Before closure, August 1994.