March 2004
ERDC MSRC Resources. CGWAVE can be run from within SMS, but may be "painfully" slow
depending on the size of your mesh. To run on your PC, select CGWAVE | Run CGWAVE. To run
on the HPC Ruby SGI processor, you must have (a) Kerberos software (latest Version 20030506b
for Windows) to insure secure communications between your PC and Ruby, (b) a SecurID card for
obtaining a "ticket" to use the MSRC resources, (c) telnet software such as PuTTYtel (telnet) and
(d) file transfer (i.e., FTP) capability, such as windows-based Filezilla. The latest version of the
Kerberos software and telnet/ftp software can be downloaded from the MSRC Web site at
on the procedure. The ERDC MSRC Customer Assistance Hotline at 601-634-4400, option 1 is
particularly helpful. Your CGWAVE files can then be copied to the Ruby (ASCII mode), executed,
and then copied back to your PC for post-processing within SMS.
HPC Ruby Access. The first step is to gain permission to use the MSRC resources. All examples
in this technical note assume the UNIX 6.5 shell. For the UNIX environment, it is advisable to have
filenames without imbedded blanks. The University of Texas maintains a Web site with a good
Initially, Kerberos and Filezilla software are used to copy two SMS output files from your PC to
Ruby. These ASCII files are the CGWAVE run control input file (i.e., *.cgi) and the 1D (*.cg1) file.
The asterisk is a placeholder for the project prefix selected for the study. After successful transfer of
these files, a PuTTy telnet session to Ruby is required to issue UNIX based commands. The two
input file names need to be renamed. The first file *.cgi must be renamed to be *.dat and the *.cg1
file must be renamed to *.1d. This is accomplished with the copy UNIX command that follows the
format, "cp oldfile newfile".
CGWAVE Execution. There are four steps for executing CGWAVE within Ruby including
(a) edit input file *.dat, (b) convert input to binary, (c) run CGWAVE, and (d) convert output to
Edit the "*.dat" file, to reflect changes in incident wave period, amplitude, and wave direction in the
title (for documentation) and the corresponding input field near the beginning of the file. Use the line
editor "ed" or the full screen editor "vi" within the UNIX environment. A quick reference guide for
The second step is to convert the input ASCII run control file from SMS to binary format. The utility
program dat2unf performs this conversion and creates three files *.par, *.geo, and *.grd corre-
sponding to the input parameter, geometry, and grid files, respectively.
The third step is run CGWAVE using the executable file "pcgw_sgi_ser". This is the serial version
for the SGI processor Ruby (i.e., same as option 2 under CGWAVE | Model Control described
earlier). This is the main program that does the CGWAVE calculations. CGWAVE runs usually
required less than 5 min to complete up to eight iterations. Thus, the serial version was adequate for
the size of this model. Larger models would benefit from HPC's parallelized codes and solvers.
The fourth step is to convert the binary output file *0001.res generated from the third step to ASCII
using the utility program res2out_sgi. The output file *.out from this program can then be transferred
in ASCII mode to your PC via Filezilla FTP. It is a good idea to copy this output file to your home