March 2000
The HyPAS was designed to perform all major functions after collection of data to report
writing. The system supports hydraulic and hydrodynamic studies involving:
! Plan View Contours
! Plan View Vector Plots
! Cross-Section Plots
Sediment Samples
! Grain-Size Distribution Plots
" Frequency Weight Histogram
! Composite Sample From Multiple Samples
! Comparing Composites with Reference Curves
" Adjust Fill Factor (RA)
" Renourishment Factor (RJ)
Project Management
! Importing Photographs
! Time Series Data Analysis
New tools are constantly under development to meet project needs.
HyPAS's velocity analysis tools cover three basic applications: contouring an area in plan view
from a user-defined constituent and depth range, generating cross sections from a transect, and
plotting vector magnitude and direction in plan view from a user-specified depth range.
HyPAS's soil sample analysis tools allow the user to generate frequency weight plots, calculate
composite sample plots, and perform varied analysis routines. HyPAS's project management
tools allow the user to import photographs for project enhancement and import time series data
to manage and plot.
GENERATING PLAN VIEW CONTOURS: HyPAS provides the capability of generating
contours in plan view for the different constituents collected from the Acoustic Doppler Current
Profiler (ADCP) instrument. HyPAS will create color-shaded contours and contour lines.
This tool allows the user to calculate the depth average of the specific values from the entire
water column or a specific depth range. The user selects the survey data to contour by drawing a
box or polygon around them. A depth range is specified, and the user must choose which
constituent to contour. HyPAS then calculates the contour from the depth range specified.
An example plan view contour of total velocity magnitude was created from ADCP data in the
Columbia River, Oregon (Figure 1). The yellow dots represent actual velocity profiles collected
by the ADCP as the boat moves along the line. The legend for the color-shaded contours