March 2000
Hydraulic Processes Analysis System
by Thad C. Pratt and Daryl S. Cook
PURPOSE: This Coastal Engineering Technical Note (CETN) describes a PC-Windows-based
system for analyzing, visualizing, and archiving hydrodynamic and related field data taken at
inlets and related estuarine and coastal waters. The Hydraulic Processes Analysis System
(HyPAS) is also applicable to riverine and laboratory application.
BACKGROUND: Modern electronic instrumentation produces
large amounts of
data. Often,
this abundance of data is not fully utilized because the engineer or scientist does not have an
effective way to visualize and analyze it within project time schedule. This problem can be
minimized by a set of tools that provides ready capability to visualize, analyze, reduce, and
efficiently plot data obtained from such instrumentation. Additionally, such a tool can take
advantage of geographically referenced data of high spatial accuracy.
HyPAS is designed to be a Geographic Information System (GIS) for hydraulic information.
GIS, a computer system capable of managing, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographi-
cally referenced data, is the logical solution to such a problem, in particular considering the
combination of spatial accuracy needs and database management needs. A mapping system
alone lacks database management capabilities. A spreadsheet or database management system
contains little or no accurate mapping capabilities. GIS software provides both applications with
a robust set of tools capable of manipulating large amounts of data with high spatial accuracy;
typically, however, a substantial learning investment is required to become proficient with GIS
HyPAS builds on the inherent power of GIS while supplying easier tools for facilitation of
hydraulic process analysis and reducing learning time typical with GIS implementation. HyPAS
is an extension to ArcView, a commercially available software package marketed by Environ-
mental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), and requires an additional extension from ESRI,
Spatial Analyst. HyPAS was designed for the non-GIS expert with ease of use as a priority. A
detailed presentation of instructions for using HyPAS can be found in the HyPAS User's Manual
(Pratt and Cook 1999).
HyPAS was developed in support of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) projects.
Previous to HyPAS, the delivery of high-resolution survey data could consist of thousands of
hard-copy plots. HyPAS was developed to provide analysis tools together with the data,
enabling USACE field offices to perform further analysis without numerous and costly,
unnecessary plots. Intensive application in the Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP),
suggestions from USACE District staff, and experience in a wide variety of applied projects has
led to the development of a highly effective HyPAS toolbox. These tools have the capabilities
for analysis and visualization suited to the particular applications of USACE Districts and their