September 1999
Figure 6. Sediment budget for "Post-Inlet: Initial Impoundment"
Step 4: Post-Inlet: Gross Sink. The gross sink sediment budget was similarly developed by
copying and renaming the previous alternative. The left-directed transport rate at the north jetty,
Q11, and the right-directed transport rate at the south jetty, Q12, were set equal to the pre-inlet
rates. That is, Q11=Q3 (Q3 taken from "Pre-Inlet: Final" alternative) and Q12=Q6 (Q6 taken
from "Pre-Inlet: Final" alternative) and directed towards the ebb-tidal shoal. The right-directed
transport at the north jetty, Q4, and the left-directed transport at the south jetty, Q5, were set to
zero, indicating no transport over or through the jetties to the adjacent beaches. Within SBAS,
an option exists for setting a dependency for a Q value based on other Q values. Entering the
Cell Properties Menu for the ebb-tidal shoal and double-clicking on Q9 allows us to define the
relationship Q9 = 0.5 (Q11+Q12) (Figure 7). The out-of-balance residual or solving using the