June 2001
Depth (ft)
Figure 8. Definition of bathymetry in feet with respect to the geoid for Example 20c
The simulation is forced with an open-ocean surface-elevation forcing equal to 1.524 m (5.0 ft)
at a frequency of 0.25 cycles/day so that the water reaches its maximum level after 1 day of
simulation. This case was run with ADCIRC release 41.05. Results are shown in Figures 9
through 12. Figure 9 shows the leaky barrier starting to transmit water through the northern side
of the internal-barrier boundary, which encompasses the southern low-lying land once water
elevation exceeds 0.3048 m (1.0 ft) in front of the levee. When the water level in front of this
barrier exceeds 0.6096 m (2 ft), cross-barrier overtopping occurs as well (Figure 10). Eventually
water level rises in excess of 1.2192 m (4.0 ft). Water then starts to recede from the southern
low-lying land through both the cross-barrier pipes and over the top of the barrier (Figure 11).
Once the water level within the southern low-lying land drops below 0.6096 m (2 ft), drainage
from the low-lying land over the top of the barrier stops and drainage is strictly through the pipes
that have been placed in the barrier (Figure 12). This drainage will continue until the water
level in the southern low-lying land is equal to 0.3048 (1.0 ft).