September 2001
The Web site also provides the STWAVE user's manual in PDF format:
Recent STWAVE applications are documented in Smith and Harkins (1997); Smith and Ebersole
(2000); Smith and Smith (2001); and Cialone and Kraus (2001). These applications address
wave-current interaction, complex bathymetry, verification with field and lab measurements, and
wave climate simulations.
Information about downloading SMS, SMS documentation, system requirements, and software
registration are available at:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers users can register SMS through CHL, and non-Corps users must
Further information on generation and local scale wave models can be found on the CHL Web
site at:
FUTURE PLANS FOR STWAVE: Development of STWAVE continues to be a research
thrust at CHL. The areas of planned improvement include the following:
a. Wave breaking. Improvement to the empirical breaking formulation in STWAVE is
planned to provide better representation of surf zone spectra, especially for the case of
breaking of multiple waves trains.
b. Grid nesting. Regional application of STWAVE as part of the Regional Sediment
Management initiative requires nesting of STWAVE to resolve the nearshore. This
requires variable input spectra on the offshore boundary and new capabilities in SMS to
generate nested grids.
c. Model efficiency. Regional model applications also require improved model efficiency.
Efforts are underway to increase computational speed. A high-performance version of
STWAVE has been developed for parallel computers. This version is available and is
being run at CHL. Applications have been run using up to 64 processes at 87 percent
efficiency (i.e., a run that takes a week on a serial computer will run in 3 hr on the
parallel computer).
d. Full-plane STWAVE. Over the next 2 years, a new version of STWAVE will be
developed that eliminates the half-plane assumption. This version will include wave
propagation and generation over a full 360-deg circle. This version will provide
improved results for application in bays and lakes.
Updated STWAVE information and executables will be made available periodically on the CHL
Web site.