March 2000
EXTENSION INFORMATION: HyPAS is an extension to ArcView 3.1. It enhances or
automates some features already present in ArcView's Graphical User Interface (GUI), and it
extends the current capabilities of ArcView 3.1. All of functionality of ArcView 3.1 and Spatial
Analyst extension is still available to the user along with HyPAS capabilities. This affords
access to the power of ArcView GIS and HyPAS. The user could create a hillshade of
bathymetry in ArcView and Spatial Analyst; then overlay vector magnitude and direction plot
using HyPAS to produce even more useful output. (Figures 8 and 9)
plots and hillshade applications.
Figure 8. Hillshade of high resolution multi-beam bathymetry, Victoria Bend, Mississippi River