December 1999
Tidal Potential
Tidal Constituent
List of Ocean
Boundary Nodes
Figure 5. Tidal Functions dialog box
The "Tidal Functions" dialog box provides options for setting the Tidal Potential and Ramp
options, as shown in Figure 5. To turn on each of these, click on "On" under "Tidal Potential"
and "Hyperbolic Tangent Ramp" under "Forcing Functions."
Selection of tidal constituents for the open boundaries is done in the "Tidal Forcing Frequencies"
section of the "Tidal Functions" dialog box (Figure 5). Boundary nodes for the ocean forcing are
automatically listed on the right side of the dialog box. To select tidal constituents, click on
"New," and a dialog box called "New Constituent" will appear (Figure 6). The user can select
from a database list for the source of tidal constituents. At the time of this writing, the Le Provost
database (Le Provost et al. 1994) has been implemented within the SMS. Constituents can be
added to the ocean forcing by clicking on a particular constituent and specifying the time that the
simulation will start. All time references in ADCIRC are in Greenwich Mean Time. To add the
M2 constituent for a simulation starting on 4 June 1998 at Hour 0, click on M2 in the
"Constituents" windows and enter the time information under "Starting Day," as shown in
Figure 6, then click "OK."
A warning may appear stating that SMS cannot find a file and ask if you want to search for it.
This message refers to files containing the tidal constituent database information. If this message
appears, click on "Yes" to specify where the database files are located. Multiple constituents can
be added as forcing frequencies by entering the "New Constituent" dialog box as many times as
is necessary. For instance, to include the K1 constituent, enter the New Constituent dialog box
and select that constituent. Once all constituents are selected, click "Copy Forcing Constituents"
on the left side of the "Tidal Functions" dialog box. Figure 7 shows the "Tidal Functions" dialog
box with M2 and K1 selected. Click "OK" to exit the Tidal Constituents Toolbox.