September 2000
and sediment characteristics. Input to the Calculator can be estimates of waves and currents
based upon experience or values taken from numerical models. The Sediment Transport
Calculator determines the shear stress on the bed and associated sediment transport magnitude
and direction. It also contains the Shield's diagram to identify areas of live bed (sediment
motion) or clear water (no sediment movement).
CONCLUSIONS: The Corps mission to provide safe and navigable waterways requires
maintenance dredging of inlet and entrance channels. Maintenance and emergency dredging
comprise roughly 90 percent of the dredging volume and approximately 80 percent of the cost.
Simple adjustments to existing operations can reduce dredging frequency and volume. The DMS
aims to provide tools and a methodology to analyze areas of excessive shoaling and determine
remedial measures.
Questions about this CETN can be addressed to
Dr. Nicholas C. Kraus (601-634-2016, fax 601-634-3080, e-mail: ). The
author appreciates review of this CETN by colleague Mr. James Clausner, by Dr. Mark Gosselin,
and Mr. Ken Craig of Taylor Engineering, Inc., Jacksonville, FL.
This CETN should be cited as follows:
Kraus, N. C. (2000). "Introduction to the Diagnostic Modeling System (DMS),"
ERDC/CHL CETN-IV-28, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development
Gosselin, M. S., Craig, K. R., and Taylor, R. B. (1999). "DMS: Diagnostic Modeling System, Report 2:
Reduction of sediment shoaling of the entrance Channel at East Pass, Florida," Technical Report
CHL-99-19, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
Gosselin, M. S., Taylor, R. B., and Craig, K. R. (2000). "Maximizing understanding of model results
through graphical displays," ERDC/CHL CETN-IV-27, U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Kraus, N. C., Mark, D. J., and Sarruff, S. (2000). "DMS: Diagnostic Modeling System, Report 1:
Reduction of sediment shoaling by relocation of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Matagorda Bay,
Texas," ERDC/CHL TR-00-19, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg,
Ozsoy, E. E., and nlata, .,U. (1982). "Ebb-tidal flow characteristics near inlets," Estuarine, Coastal
and Shelf Science 14, 251-263.
Pope, J. (1997). "Where and why inlet channels shoal: a conceptual geomorphic framework," Coastal
Engineering Technical Note CETN-IV-12, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center,
Pratt, T. C., and Cook, D. S. (2000). "Hydraulic Processes Analysis System (HyPAS)," ERDC/CHL
CETN-IV-23, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS,
Rosati, J. D., and Kraus, N. C. (1999). "Shoal-reduction strategies for entrance channels," Coastal
Engineering Technical Note CETN IV-22, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center,