September 2000
Analytical Toolbox
The Analytical Toolbox is a system of calculation tools and guidance documents assembled for
understanding and quantifying shoaling conditions and for formulating and evaluating
alternatives to reduce dredging. The calculation tools portion of the Toolbox consists primarily
of analytical and simple numerical models for estimating hydrodynamics and sediment transport
in and around channels for a variety of situations. For rapid application within the DMS
methodology, these tools are easy to use as stand-alone applications and are readily applied. For
more detailed analyses, guidance documents refer the engineer to larger, more powerful infra-
DMS models (Gosselin, Craig, and Taylor 1999; Kraus, Mark, and Sarruff 2000). Also
contained in guidance documents is information on useful graphical display formats and
interpretative techniques for diagnosing shoaling areas, as described in CETN-IV-27 (Gosselin,
Taylor, and Craig 2000). These guidance documents contain examples and discussions of
standardized output formats from which the mechanisms and patterns associated with shoaling
become easier to identify. Standardized output formats facilitate acquiring an experience base
with which to compare other shoaling investigations.
The calculation tools cover utilities ranging in complexity from simple estimates of fetch-limited
wave height to jet flow and channel infilling models. Presently, the utilities listed below have
been selected for inclusion into the Analytical Toolbox.
Ebb Jet Model. This tool allows examination of the ebb or flood jet issuing from an inlet.
Based on the work by Ozsoy and nlata (1982), this program calculates the velocity
distribution of an ebb- or flood-tidal jet taking into account lateral mixing and entrainment,
bottom friction, one-dimensional bathymetric changes and ambient currents. For use on shoaling
problems in channels through tidal inlets, this tool provides estimates of velocity magnitudes that
drive sediment transport calculations. It also provides estimates of sediment transport through a
sediment transport function developed by Van Rijn (1984).
HyPAS. This system was developed for analyzing, visualizing, and archiving hydrodynamic
and other field data taken at inlets and related estuarine and coastal waters (Pratt and Cook
1999). HyPAS is also applicable to riverine and laboratory applications. Modern electronic
instrumentation produces large amounts of data that may not be readily accessed because the
engineer or scientist does not have an effective way to visualize and analyze it within the project
time schedule. Tools in HyPAS address this problem. The system provides ready capability to
visualize, analyze, reduce, and efficiently plot data from large and small data sets. Additionally,
HyPAS takes advantage of geographically referenced data of high spatial accuracy. The DMS
Data Manager and HyPAS operate as coordinated applications with ArcView.
Fetch-Limited, Wind-Generated Wave Model. This tool will calculate the wave height
and period associated with wind waves generated in shallow water. This information can be
entered in the Sediment Movement Calculator to determine whether wave driven sediment
transport is the cause of channel shoaling.
Sediment Transport Calculator. This program provides estimates of sediment transport at a
point. It calculates sediment transport from hydrodynamic conditions (both currents and waves)