ADDITIONAL INFORMATION; A similar Corps sponsored field monitoring/study was
initiated in 1989 at Sandbridge Beach, Virginia and is being conducted by Dr.
For additional information about
David R. Basco of Old Dominion University.
the seawall effects studies at both east and west coast locations contact Ms.
Cheryl E. Burke at (601) 634-4029 or Mr. Greg Williams at (601) 634-2089.
Dean, R. G. 1986.
"Coastal Armoring:
Proceedings of 20th Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil
Griggs, G. B. and Tait, J. F.
"The Effects of Coastal Protection
Structures on Beaches along Northern Monterey Bay, California,"
Special Issue
No. 4, Journal of Coastal Research, 95-111.
"The Effects of Coastal
Griggs, G. B., Tait, J. F., and Scott, K.
Protection Structures on Beaches along Northern Monterey Bay, California,"
Contract Report CERC-90-XX,
US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Coastal Engineering Research Center; Vicksburg, MS. in press.
Griggs, G. B., 1990b.
"The Effects of Seawalls on the Beach: A Literature
Kraus, N. C. 1987.
R e v i e w , " Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 87, American Society of Civil
Engineers, 945-960.
"The Effects of Seawalls on the Beach: An Extended
Kraus, N. C. 1988.
Special Issue No. 4, Journal of Coastal Research, l-28.
Tait, J. F. and Griggs, G. B. 1990.
"Beach Response to the Presence of a
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research
Center, Vicksburg, MS.
in press.