the form, with prefabricated No. 4 bar ties which are welded t o the ring -after
the rebars have been assembled. The assembling of the rebars and spacers is
done on a "jig", outside the form, and the whole assembly i s lifted and placed
into the form at one time. The concrete is then added.
The spacer is made in two sizes since the dolos fluke sections are not
Four spacers are used for each of the two flukes and two spacers are
used for the shank section of the 16-ton dolos.
The number of spacers varies
with the size of dolos.
The following method was used for positioning reinforcing
bars in the 20- and 30-ton dolosse at Kahului Harbor in 1977:
(1) Small precase concrete blocks 6 inches thick were placed under the
rebars in the vertical fluke.
(2) Using l/32" steel wire extending through holes in the forms, the
reinforcing bars were held in position during pouring.
(3) After the pour, prior to settling of concrete, the wires were clipped
flush with the form and the wire ends were pushed about 4 inches into the
concrete. This method appears to have provided a good end product.
(4) Similar procedures to that used for dolos have been used for placement
of rebars in tribars, except precast concrete pieces have been placed under the
steel in each bar of the tribar.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For details on the spacer used at Manasquan, contact
Anthony Mele of Philadelphia District (215) 597-4753, and for further infor-
mation on the Hawaii method of positioning rebars in armor units, contact Howard
Kohayashi of the Pacific Ocean Division (808) 438-2837.