maintaining the desired spacing of reinforcing bars in the 16-ton
armor units.
Another method, which wi11 also be discussed, has been successfully used
for positioning reinforcing bars in 20- and 30-ton dolosse used at Kahulai Harbor,
H a w a i i , in 1977.
DIMENSIONS OF DOLOS: Figure 2 and Table 1 give the dimensions and reinforcing
bar spacing used by the Pacific Ocean Division and the Philadelphia District.
These dimensions and spacings are examples of practices followed in specific
designs . The decision to use or not use reinforcing as well as the design of
the units and the amount of reinforcement must be made on a case by case basis.
12- Rebars Equally S p a c e d
12-Rebars Equally Spaced
Reinforcing Steel for Dolosse
Figure 2.