December 2000
b. Selection criteria. One or two optional selection criteria can be specified using the pull-
down menus and the entry forms. Examples are given in the table below.
c. Sorting criteria. By default the selected records are sorted alphabetically by name, but it
is possible to sort on any of the fields selected for the database query. Examples are given
in the table.
Table 1
Typical Custom Database Queries
Order by
Project depth
Project depth, descending
Tidal prism, throat area
State equals "CA"
Throat area, descending
Tidal prism, throat area
Tidal prism does not equal 0
Tidal prism
Length > 1000 and Length < 1500
Length, descending
Name is like Ba%
Name is like %River%
Notice the use of the wildcard symbol % in the last two examples shown in the table. The query
containing Ba% will return information from all records with names beginning with Ba, whereas
the query with %River% returns information from records where the word River appears
anywhere in the name. Also notice in the input boxes that strings of letters, such as state and
coast abbreviations, must have quotes around them, e.g., CA or PAC. Numbers do not need
After completing the custom query form, clicking on the Submit Query button reloads the page
with the query results listed. A link is also provided for downloading a tab-delimited ASCII text
file containing the query results. This text file can then be imported into most computer
Caution! The custom query output results are always given in metric units with the exception of
current speed which is given in knots. These are the units of the original data in the database.
FUTURE PLANS AND ADDITIONS: The Database of Inlet Navigation Structures and
Projects is being actively extended by the Coastal Inlets Research Program to include additional
capability and content. These future extensions include the following:
Comments section. An interactive form will permit anyone with knowledge about a
particular inlet or structure to upload specific comments much like a discussion forum.
Comments will be reviewed by a knowledgeable moderator.
Documents section. This section will contain electronic documents pertaining to specific
inlets or projects. Uploading will be identical to photograph uploading. Uploaded file names
will be listed with a short description of content and a link for downloading. No document
files will be displayed because of the multitude of formats. Precautions are being developed
to guard against the possibility of virus-infected uploaded files.