June 2001
to wave action and wave-induced currents. The attachment bar develops from material bypassed
around the ebb shoal complex, either arriving to or leaving from the shore. The attachment bar is
sometimes called the "tie-in" or "weldment" area. In the following, the terminology "ebb shoal"
refers to that portion of the ebb shoal complex located within the ebb jet. (Kraus 2000) The
combination of the ebb shoal, bypassing bars, and attachment bars is termed the "ebb shoal
complex." For the following discussion, it is convenient to define "inlet edge," labeled by red
dots in Figure 1, denoting the location where land and water join at the point of land
encroachment into the inlet. Two inlet edges exist, one on either side of the inlet. If an inlet is
stabilized with jetties, the inlet edges are located at the intersection of the shoreline and jetty.
Inlet Edge
Attachment Bar
Bypassing Bar
Ebb Channel Centerline
Inlet Centerline
Ebb Shoal
Inlet Edge
Bypassing Bar
Attachment Bar
Figure 1. Inlet entrance morphology, East Pass, FL, 1990
An idealized ebb shoal complex has an arcuate form, exhibiting symmetry with respect to the
entrance channel, a phenomenon consistent with turbulent jet theory. Figure 2 is a definition
sketch of the measurements discussed in this Technical Note that were made from interpretation
of aerial photographs. A more symmetrically shaped ebb shoal would tend to form if the left-
and right-directed longshore sediment transport rates were equal, the navigational channel
dredged straight out, and the main static factors of back-bay configuration, jetties, shelf
bathymetry, and geologic structure symmetric across the center line of the inlet. Morphologic
features and an inlet channel center line that deviate from the ideal situation are categorized as
In Figure 2, the variable L represents the distance from the shoreline (which was identified as the
water-beach interface for each individual measurement) to the seaward-most point of the ebb
shoal. The quantity Wc is the channel critical width, defined as the narrowest point between the