December 2000
Literature section. This is an online database of inlet literature references. Literature about a
specific inlet will be accessible from that particular inlet record. General inlet references will
be accessed from a special page with search, selection, and sorting options. Anyone wishing
to contribute a literature citation will be able to enter the information from their web browser.
DISCLAIMER: Care has been taken to provide accurate information about the projects and
structures included in this database. However, the Corps cannot accept any responsibility for the
accuracy of any information retrieved from this database. Users are strongly advised to confirm
all data using independent sources before undertaking any engineering designs or decisions that
utilize any data values given in this database.
Please report any errors to
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The original data used in this Web application was collected and
entered into computer form in 1994 by Kurt Grove and Alison Bryant at ERDC, CHL. The web
application was designed and coded by Steven Hughes, CHL, using the open source MySQL
database and PHP scripting language. Ms. Erica Carr de Betts, University of Florida, scanned
and uploaded the initial large collection of over 850 inlet photographs.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Questions about this note can be addressed to Dr. Steven A. Hughes
(Voice: 601-634-2026, Fax: 601-634-3433, e-mail: ). Another
CIRP internet product, Inlets Online available from the CIRP web page, provides histories and a tutorial on
inlet processes. For information about the Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP), please contact the
CIRP Technical Leader, Dr. Nicholas C. Kraus at . This note
should be cited as follows:
Hughes, S. A. (2000). "Database of inlet navigation projects and structures,"
ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-31, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development
Barwis, J. H. (1975). "Catalog of tidal inlet aerial photography," GITI Report 2, U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Jarrett, J. T. (1976). "Tidal prism - inlet area relationships," GITI Report 3, U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.