December 2000
bypassing occurs continuously whereby sand is moved primarily by wave action along the
terminus of the delta to the downdrift beach.
It is emphasized that even at inlets where sand bypassing occurs in the form of large bars,
additional sand is moved to the downdrift shoreline in a continuous mode. The relative
magnitude of this process as compared to bar migration varies from inlet to inlet and is a
research problem that has received little attention. Likewise, the processes of sediment
bypassing at jettied inlets are less well studied and are being investigated in the CIRP.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This note was produced under the Coastal Inlets Research
Program (CIRP) by Dr. Duncan M. FitzGerald, Department of Earth Sciences, Boston
University, and by Dr. Nicholas C. Kraus and Mr. Edward B. Hands, both at the U.S. Army
Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory. Questions
about this note can be addressed to Dr. FitzGerald at; to Dr. Kraus at
; or to Mr. Hands at .
For further information about the CIRP, please contact the CIRP Technical Leader, Dr. Kraus at
the e-mail address furnished or by telephone at (601) 634-2016. This CETN should be cited as
FitzGerald, D. M., Kraus, N. C., and Hands, E. B. (2001). "Natural mechanisms of
sediment bypassing at tidal inlets," ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-30, U.S. Army Engineer
Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
Bruun, P. (1966). Tidal inlets and littoral drift: Vol. 2, Universitelsforlaget, Oslo.
Bruun, P., and Gerritsen, F. (1959) "Natural bypassing of sand at coastal inlets," Journal of the
Waterways and Harbors Division, ASCE, 85, 401-412
Escoffier, F. F. (1940). "The stability of tidal inlets," Shore and Beach, 8, 114-115.
FitzGerald, D. M. (1982). "Sediment bypassing at mixed energy tidal inlets," Proceedings 18th Coastal
Engineering Conference, ASCE, 1094-1118.
FitzGerald, D. M. (1988). "Shoreline erosional-depositional processes associated with tidal inlets,"
Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of tidal inlets. D.G. Aubrey & L. Weishar, eds., Springer,
Berlin, 186-225.
Gaudiano, D. J., and Kana, T. W. (2000). "Shoal bypassing in South Carolina tidal inlets: geomorphic
variables and empirical predictions for nine mesoscale inlets," Journal of Coastal Research (in
Hands, E. B., and Shepsis, V. (1999). "Cyclic channel movement at the entrance to Willapa Bay,
Washington, USA." Proceedings, Coastal Sediments '99, ASCE, 1522-1536.
Hubbard, D. K. (1975) "Morphology and hydrodynamics of the Merrimack River ebb-tidal delta,
Proceedings, 2nd International Estuarine Research Federation Conference, 253-266.
Johnson, D. W. (1919). Shore processes and shoreline development. Hafner Publishing Co, New York.
Kraus, N. C. (2000). "Reservoir model of ebb-tidal shoal evolution and sand bypassing," Journal of
Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering (in preparation).
Kraus, N. C., and Rosati, J. D. (1998). "Estimation of uncertainty in coastal-sediment budgets at inlets,"
Coastal Engineering Technical Note CETN-IV-16, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development
Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Vicksburg, MS.