June 2003
the BE from the longer breakwater in the authorized configuration. The maximum wave height in
any of the boxes for any wave conditions in the PP and CD areas were 0.38 m (1.3 ft) and 0.23 m
(0.8 ft), respectively. Finally, the 95 percent confidence interval for average wave height inside all
boxes for all wave conditions is 0.13 0.02 m (0.42 0.06 ft) in both the PP and CD areas.
Wave height differences were calculated between the wave heights predicted for the existing 122-m
(400-ft) gap and authorized 91-m (300-ft) gap. Because of the variability along the two transects,
only the wave heights in the boxes were compared. In some cases, the existing configuration had
lower wave heights. Only the positive differences were reported here as these represent cases where
the authorized configuration would have resulted in smaller waves inside the harbor. In general, the
maximum difference wave heights are not very large and occurred for southwest waves for both the
PP and CD area boxes. The largest wave height differences were less than 0.09 m (0.3 ft) and
0.21 m (0.7 ft) for the PP and CD boxes, respectively. Finally, the 95 percent confidence interval for
average difference wave height inside all boxes for all wave conditions was 0.03 0.01 m (0.09
0.03 ft). In summary, the wave height reduction that would have been afforded by the smaller
entrance gap had the authorized configuration been constructed is insignificant.
Comparisons with the OCTI numerical STWAVE model study are in general agreement with the
wave heights and directions predicted by their model.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information, contact Dr. Michael J. Briggs (Voice:
(601) 634-2005, e-mail: ) or Ms. Barbara Donnell (Voice:
(601) 634-2730, e-mail: This work was completed as
part of the MCNP Program.
Additional information may be obtained from:
Demirbilek, Z. and Panchang, V. (1998). "CGWAVE: A coastal surface water wave model of the mild slope equation,"
Technical Report CHL-98-26, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS
OCTI. (2001). "Tedious Creek monitoring study," Offshore and Coastal Technologies, Inc.
Richards, D.R. (2001). "Monitoring plan, Tedious Creek Navigation Project, Maryland," Memorandum for CEWEW-
CV-CC, U.S. Army Engineer District, Baltimore, Baltimore, MD.
TC Report. (1995). "Tedious Creek, Dorchester County, Maryland, Section 107 Feasibility Report and Integrated
Environmental Assessment," U.S. Army Engineer District, Baltimore, Baltimore, MD.
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