June 2000
Model Parameters:
= 3.3 m
Inlet width: Wm
≈ 0.19 m
Maximum depth: (hmax)m
Median grain size: (de)m
= 0.13 mm (quartz)
≈ 0.59 m/s (depth-averaged)
Maximum velocity: Vm
≈ 0.14 m3/s
Maximum discharge: (Qmax)m
Note: If model velocities are scaled according to Froude scale, the required model velocity
would be:
1.8 m s
Vm =
= 0.21m s
which is beneath the critical velocity necessary to initiate movement of 0.13 mm quartz sand.
Additional Information. Questions about this note can be addressed to Dr. Steven A. Hughes
(Voice: 601-634-2026, Fax: 601-634-3433, email: This note was
produced under the Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP). For further information on the
CIRP, please contact the CIRP Technical Leader, Dr. Nicholas C. Kraus at This note should be cited as follows:
Hughes, S. A. (2000). "Simulation of current-induced scour in movable-bed inlet models,"
ERDC/CHL CETN-IV-26, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg,
Hughes, S. A. (1999). "Equilibrium scour depth at tidal inlets," Coastal Engineering Technical Note
CETN IV-18, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
Hughes, S. A., and Schwichtenberg, B. R. (1998). "Current-induced scour along a breakwater at Ventura
Harbor, CA - experimental study," Coastal Engineering, 34, 1-22.
Hughes, S. A., and Schwichtenberg, B. R. (1999). "Physical model of current-induced scour at Ventura
Harbor," Proceedings of Breakwaters `99 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, (in
Jarrett, J. T. (1976). "Tidal prism - inlet area relationships," GITI Report 3, U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Mayor-Mora, R. E. (1977). "Laboratory investigation of tidal inlets on sandy coasts," GITI Report 11,
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
O'Brien, M. P. (1931). "Estuary tidal prisms related to entrance areas," Civil Engineering, 1(8), 738-
O'Brien, M. P. (1969). "Equilibrium flow areas of inlets on sandy coasts," Journal of the Waterways
and Harbors Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, 95(WW1), 43-52.