June 2000
By this example, it can be seen that the wave climate in an inlet channel can be investigated at
reconnaissance level with NMLong-CW under the assumption of longshore uniformity. For
example, under a given ebb current and offshore wave height and period, the increase in wave
height and in wave steepness, defined as H/L, owing to the presence of the tidal current can be
calculated. Steep waves pose a hazard to navigation if the wavelength approaches that of the
vessel transiting the inlet.
FUTURE WORK: Research is underway in the CIRP to include longshore sediment transport
in NMLong-WC. The model and interface will be revised to calculate longshore transport inside
and seaward of the surf zone as associated with a current produced by waves, tide, and wind.
This CETN was written by Dr. Magnus Larson of the Department of Water Resources
Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology, University of Lund, Sweden, and by Dr. Nicholas C.
Kraus of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Coastal and
Hydraulics Laboratory. The work performed at the University of Lund was done under contract
with the ERDC through the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Standardization Group-United
Kingdom. Questions about this CETN can be addressed to Dr. Nicholas C. Kraus (601-634-
2016, Fax 601-634-3080, e-mail: ).
This CETN should be cited as follows:
Larson, M., and Kraus, N.C., (2000). "Enhancements of the numerical model of the
longshore current NMLONG to include interaction between currents and waves
(NMLong-CW)," Coastal Engineering Technical Note CETN-IV-25, U.S. Army
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