PROGRAM PURPOSE : Load-bearing piles, in the context of coastal and waterfront
structures, are typically used in pile foundations supporting seawalls and to
s u p p o r t deck structures of open piers and wharves. In addition, steel H-piles
( w e l d e d to sheet piles) are used as king piles in bulkheads and round timber
p i l e s are used in groins and bulkheads. The following guidelines, in the form
o f a checklist, may be attached to a clipboard and taken to the field by the
Quality Assurance Personnel (QAP). This is not meant to be a comprehensive
c h e c k l i s t for the Contractor Quality Control Inspector (CQCI) but is meant to
summarize the more important points that the QAP should make time to surveil
w h e n looking over the shoulder of Contractor Quality Control Personnel.
Review reports, m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s data, c e r t i f i c a t e s of compliance, and
applicable specifications sections related to piles. For steel piles review
Mill Test Report of steel testing and certificate of compliance for steel
composition. For concrete piles review applicable ACI provisions. Review ASTM
standards (ASTM D25 for treated timber piles, ASTM A36 for H piles, and ASTM
A 2 5 2 for pipe piles). R e v i e w standard specifications of the American Wood-
Preservers Association for permissible defects in round timber piles. For
untreated timber piles review Mil Spec MM-P-371.
Conduct coordination meeting on QC/QA program as required by ER 1180-
l - 6 , . The purpose of this meeting is to reach a mutual understanding of the
s y s t e m details Including the forms for recording the CQC operations, control
a c t i v i t i e s , t e s t i n g , administration of the system for both onsite and offsite
w o r k , and the interrelationship of contractor's management and control with
t h e Government's Inspection. Inform CQCI of the following:
a . Timber piling may not be handled with pointed equipment (i.e., hooks
or spike poles).
Cutting of treated timber wales and piles may not be done to permit
f i t t i n g , unless approved by the Contracting Officer. If cutting is
a p p r o v e d , all cut areas will be treated with creosote.
c. Nails may not be driven, nor holes bored, into creosoted timber piles
t o support scaffolding.
S p l i c i n g wood piles will not be done without approval of Contracting
U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center
P. 0. Box 631, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39188