B. The project performed well with minimal maintenance. Failure from
f l e x i n g because the baskets were not initially tied to the embankment,
resulted in the slight loss of fill material from baskets at the revetment
DISCUSSION: I n summation, gabions may be useful for certain applications in
t h e coastal environment. However, t h e r e are some critical points to consider.
1. When deciding whether to use gabions, an assessment must be done to
c o n s i d e r the economics associated with their use versus the risks if failure
Gabions should not be used in high energy wave environments.
3 . Gabions should not be used in the active surf zone or where large
a m o u n t s of debris are present.
4 . Gabions should not be used on public beaches where injury to bathers
from protruding wire is possible.
5 . The manufacturer deployment recommendations should be adhered to
u n l e s s there is a sound engineering reason for modification.
a comprehensive inspection and maintenance
6 . A f t e r installing gabions,
p l a n should be established.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Contact Mr. Jeffery L. Thomas at (601) 634-2089
(FTS 542-2089) or Ms. Joan Pope (601) 634-3034 (FTS 542-2089) of CERC Coastal
Structures and Evaluation Branch.
Brown, C.T. 1979. "Gabion Report on Some Factors Affecting the Use of
Maccaferri Gabions and Reno Mattresses for Coastal Revetments ," Report No.
156, University of New South Wales, Water Research laboratory, Manly Vale,
N.S.W., A u s t r a l i a .
Maccaferri Gabions. 1979. Maccaferri Gabions Revised Catalog, Off icine
Maccafe rri , Bologna, Italy.
S h o r e Protection Manual. 1984. 4th ed., 2 vols , US Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, US Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC.
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers, Office Of The Chief Of Engineers. 1981. Low Cost
Shore Protection, Final Report on the Shoreline Erosion Control Demonstration
Program. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.