reef was constructed at the Midtown segment of the Palm Beach Shore Protection Project. The
structure consists of 330 interlocking wedge-shaped concrete modules (Figure 2) placed
approximately 76 m (250 ft) offshore, in 2.9 m (9.4 ft) (National Geodetic Vertical Datum)
(NGVD)) of water. The total length of the structure is 1,273 m (4,176 ft), including a 66-m (216-ft)
gap near the north end for a submerged cable easement. The purpose of the structure is to reduce
incident wave energy, allowing accretion of sediment in the lee of the structure.
( Prefabricated
Preventton )
Length ......................
12 ft.
Width.. ......................
15 ft.
Height.. .......................
Concrete ....................
5000 P.S.I. Reinforced
Approx. ......................
Weight 50,000 Ibs.
Figure 2. P.E.P. reef module
The fiscal year 1995 Energy and Water Development Appropriation bill directed the Corps to
evaluate the performance of the reef and report its plans to reimburse the Town of Palm Beach.
State permits for the P.E.P. reef at this location required monitoring surveys and periodic reports
evaluating the reefs performance over a 3-year period and assessing the impacts of the reef system
on littoral processes in the project area.