The model was developed to provide the potential user
with a tool for predicting the effects of certain specific
modifications to the coastal zone that is predominately
influenced by waves and is not characterized by complex
bathymetries or irregular structures.
The model is not intended
to apply to all situations, more sophisticated and expensive
modeling efforts may be required for some applications.
As with
all numerical models, the user should be aware of the limitations
of the model and interpret the results accordingly.
This model
is capable of yielding results even when it is incorrectly
applied or applied to situations which are clearly inappropriate.
The user should be aware that the model can be very expensive and
time consuming to apply and should therefore be used
A copy of the new version of the N-line model and
the interactive program for constructing input files can be
obtained by sending a magnetic tape to Ms. Gloria Naylor, US Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Computer Programs Library
(CEWES-IM-SC), PO Box 631, Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 and
requesting a copy of the "N-line" model,
For additional information contact
Norman W. Scheffner of the Circulation and Transport U n i t at CERC
(601) 634-3220.
P e r l i n , M. and Dean, R. G.
"A Numerical Model to Simulate
Sediment Transport in the Vicinity of Coastal Structures"
MR 83-
10, Coastal Engineering Research Center, US Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
S c h e f f n e r , N. W. and Rosati, J. D.
"A User's Guide to the
N-Line Model: A Numerical Model to Simulate Sediment Transport
in the Vicinity of Coastal Structures"
Instructional Report
CERC-87-4, Coastal Engineering Research Center, US Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.